The Guardian ad Litem’s Evaluation: A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Custody Mistakes

As a parent, it is crucial to grasp the evaluation process conducted by the Guardian ad Litem and learn how to avoid mistakes that could potentially result in losing custody.

This article will provide a comprehensive guide on navigating the Guardian ad Litem’s evaluation and ensuring the best possible outcome for you and your child.

The Guardian Ad Litem Evaluation Process

The Guardian ad Litem’s evaluation process involves gathering comprehensive information about the child and parents. 

These steps typically include an initial interview, home visits, observations, interviews with the child and family members, and reviewing relevant documents and records.

Step One: Home Visits and Observations

A crucial aspect of the evaluation is conducting home visits. The GAL visits the homes of each parent to observe the living conditions, assess the child’s environment, and evaluate the parent’s ability to provide a safe and nurturing space for the child. 

Home visits allow the GAL to gain firsthand insights into the child’s daily life. Make sure your home is clean and kid-friendly. 

I was once appointed a GAL when a parent was accused of child neglect. When I went to inspect the home, it was filthy. There were cigarette butts everywhere, unwashed dishes, dirty clothes, and dog poop on the floor. 

A child couldn’t live in that environment. That parent ended up with their children in child protective services. I cannot emphasize this enough – Make sure your house is clean!

Step 2: Interviews with Parents, Family Members, and Professionals

The Guardian ad Litem interviews parents, relevant family members, and professionals involved in the child’s upbringing, such as teachers, counselors, or healthcare providers. 

These interviews provide additional perspectives and help the GAL develop a holistic understanding of the child’s needs and relationships. Be open and honest with the GAL. Never lie. Getting caught in a lie will cost you on the custody recommendation. 

Step 3: Reviewing Documents and Reports

The GAL reviews relevant documents and reports, including medical and school records and other documents pertaining to the child’s well-being. 

This information aids in verifying the accuracy of statements made by the parents and provides additional context for the GAL’s evaluation.

Step 4: Reporting and Testifying in Court

After completing the evaluation process, the Guardian Litem prepares written reports summarizing their findings, observations, and recommendations. 

These reports are submitted to the court and serve as a crucial resource for the judge when making decisions about child custody, visitation, and other matters.

Step 5: Written Reports

The written reports prepared by the Guardian ad Litem are comprehensive and objective. They outline the GAL’s evaluation process, analyze the child’s best interests, and offer recommendations regarding custody arrangements, visitation schedules, and other pertinent issues. 

The reports are based on factual information gathered during the investigation and aim to present a clear picture of the child’s circumstances.

Step 6: Testifying in Hearings and Trials

In some cases, the Guardian ad Litem may be required to testify in court proceedings. The GAL’s testimony provides an opportunity to present their findings, clarify any doubts, and answer questions from the judge or attorneys involved in the case. 

Tim’s Legal Tip: While the court considers the Guardian ad Litem’s recommendations, it is essential to note that the judge ultimately retains the authority to make final decisions regarding child custody and visitation.

Common Mistakes Made When Dealing With a Guardian Ad Litem During a Divorce

Parents may inadvertently make common mistakes when dealing with a Guardian ad Litem. Here are a few examples:

1. Lack of Cooperation

One of the most common mistakes parents make is not cooperating with the GAL. They may refuse to provide requested information or documents, fail to attend meetings or interviews, or display a general lack of engagement. 

This can create a negative impression and may be perceived as obstructing the GAL’s ability to fulfill their role effectively.

2. Providing False or Misleading Information

Deliberately providing inaccurate or incomplete information to the GAL can undermine their ability to make informed recommendations to the court. 

This is the worst thing you can do. The GAL will not trust you if they catch you providing false information. 

3. Poor Communication

Parents may fail to communicate effectively with the GAL, either by not responding promptly to their inquiries or being unresponsive to their attempts to reach out. Clear and open communication is crucial for the GAL to understand the child’s situation and make informed recommendations to the court.

4. Negative Attitude

 Some parents may exhibit a confrontational or hostile attitude towards the GAL, undermining the working relationship. Parents must maintain a respectful and cooperative demeanor when interacting with the GAL, as their role is advocating for the child’s best interests.

5. Violating Court Orders

Parents who disregard court orders or engage in behavior against the court’s instructions can damage their credibility and hinder the GAL’s ability to advocate for their child effectively. It is crucial to abide by all court-ordered guidelines and decisions to demonstrate a commitment to the child’s best interests.

6. Abusing Alcohol or Drugs During The Investigation

The use and abuse of alcohol or drugs during a Guardian ad Litem investigation can significantly undermine a parent’s case. 

Substance abuse can impair judgment and decision-making abilities, raising concerns about a parent’s capacity to provide a safe and stable environment for the child. 

Failure to address substance abuse issues can have serious legal consequences and negatively impact the parent’s case.

7. Trying to Influence or Manipulate the GAL

Some parents may attempt to manipulate the GAL by presenting a biased or one-sided narrative, withholding relevant information, or trying to pressure them into taking a specific stance. 

Such attempts can damage the parent’s credibility and hinder the GAL’s ability to objectively assess the child’s best interests.

8. Disregarding the GAL’s Recommendations

If the GAL makes recommendations based on their assessment of the child’s best interests, disregarding or openly opposing those recommendations without substantial justification will reflect poorly on the parent and may cause you to lose your case. 

9. Engaging in Negative or Inappropriate Behavior During Interactions With The GAL

Parents should maintain a respectful and professional demeanor during interactions with the GAL. Engaging in hostile or disrespectful behavior can negatively impact the parent’s standing and credibility in the eyes of the GAL and the court.

10. Engaging in Public Disputes or Negative Social Media Posts

Parents should avoid engaging in public disputes, commenting negatively about the other parent or the GAL, or posting contentious content on social media. Such behavior reflects poorly on the parent’s ability to prioritize the child’s well-being.

11. Inconsistent Behavior

Parents who exhibit inconsistent or contradictory behavior may confuse or raise doubts for the GAL. For example, making conflicting statements about the child’s needs or showing inconsistent involvement in their life can make it challenging for the GAL to accurately assess the child’s situation.

Tips on How to Communicate With The GAL During The Evaluation to Avoid Losing Custody of Your Kids. 

You must communicate effectively with the Guardian ad Litem throughout the evaluation process. Do not avoid their phone calls, interviews, or appointments. 

Here are some tips for ensuring productive communication:

1. Maintain Open and Honest Communication

Be transparent and forthcoming when communicating with the GAL. Answer their questions truthfully and provide any relevant information they may need. Open communication builds trust and credibility. Do not lie – ever. 

2. Respond Promptly to Inquiries

Respond promptly when the GAL reaches out to you for additional information or to schedule interviews. Timely responses demonstrate your cooperation and commitment to the evaluation process.

3. Provide Necessary Documentation and Evidence

If the GAL requests specific documents, such as financial records, school reports, or medical records, ensure you provide them on time. Accurate and comprehensive documentation helps support your case and demonstrates your preparedness.

4. Know What is Going On In Your Child’s Life

When interviewing with a GAL, it is critical that you know your child’s date of birth, who their friends are, their teachers’ names, their doctor’s names, what grade they are in, and their favorite activities. 

I have interviewed parents during a divorce, and they don’t even know their kids’ birthdays. 

The GAL’s role is to gather information and make recommendations in the child’s best interest during legal proceedings, such as custody or visitation cases. 

Knowing these details demonstrates your involvement and familiarity with your child’s life, which can help the GAL assess your relationship and make informed recommendations. It shows your commitment to understanding your child’s needs, interests, and well-being. 

The Weight of GAL Recommendations

While the court considers the Guardian ad Litem’s recommendations, it is essential to note that the judge ultimately retains the authority to make final decisions regarding child custody and visitation. 

The GAL’s recommendations are given substantial weight due to their expertise and impartial perspective, but they are not binding. The judge carefully evaluates all evidence and information before making a final decision.


Q. Can I choose my own Guardian ad Litem?

No, the court makes the appointment of a Guardian ad Litem. The judge considers various factors, including qualifications and experience, when selecting a GAL.

Q. Are the Guardian ad Litem’s recommendations always followed by the court?

While the court gives significant weight to the GAL’s recommendations, they are not always binding. The judge carefully considers all evidence and information presented before making a final decision.

Q. Can I communicate directly with the Guardian ad Litem?

Yes, it is important to cooperate and communicate effectively with the Guardian ad Litem. They play a crucial role in assessing the child’s needs and representing their best interests.


Remember to cooperate with the Guardian ad Litem, maintain a positive attitude, and prioritize your child’s well-being throughout the process.

By presenting your case to the GAL clearly and concisely, highlighting your involvement in your child’s life, and addressing any concerns raised by the other parent, you can make a compelling argument for your parental capabilities.

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Tim McDuffey is a practicing attorney in the State of Missouri. Tim is a licensed member of the Missouri Bar and Missouri Bar Association.

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