Annulment and Children: Understanding and Minimizing The Impact

When a marriage is annulled, the marriage is declared void. From the perspective of the law, it is as if the marriage never happened.  

I have had clients whose children have become very upset and hurt by the annulment process. Many children of annulled marriages find it challenging to comprehend why their parents would want to go through the procedure of having a judge declare their parents’ marriage never happened.

When I ask the children to explain their feelings, I get the sense that they feel rejected by their parents. 

The reasoning goes like this . . .

“My parents hated being married to each other. They wanted the marriage declared void to erase any memory of the marriage.”

“But, I came from that marriage. I love my parents. I love our family. My parents’ rejection of the marriage feels like a rejection of me.”

 In this article, we will explore the impact of annulment on children and guide how to minimize its adverse effects.

What Are The Likely Impacts Impact of Annulment on Children?

As I stated above, children can experience anger, rejection, fear, and loneliness when a marriage is annulled. In my experience, children feel confused, overwhelmed, or angry about the situation and struggle to understand what is happening. 

The following are my impressions as a lawyer practicing law for almost 30 years. I am not a counselor, but I have seen first-hand the impact annulment and divorce have on children. I have counseled hundreds of people through the fallout of divorce. 

This article may be hard to read, but I am trying to provide feedback on the impact I have seen annulment have on children. 

Some of the ways that I have seen annulment affect children include:

1. Anger

This is a big one. Children, especially teenagers who are going through an annulment, frequently experience feelings of anger. 

Some common causes of anger in children during an annulment include:

  1. Feeling like they have lost control: Children may feel like they have no control over the situation, leading to anger and frustration.
  2. Sense of betrayal: Children may feel that their parents have betrayed them by breaking the commitment to marriage.
  3. Changes in family dynamics: Annulment can cause changes in family dynamics and relationships with family members, leading to anger and resentment.
  4. Inadequate communication: Lack of communication between parents or between parents and children can contribute to anger and frustration.

The long-term implications of anger related to parents’ annulment can significantly impact a child’s emotional and mental well-being in various ways. Some common long-term implications include the following:

  1. Difficulty managing emotions: Chronic feelings of anger can lead to difficulties in managing emotions. Unfortunately, chronic anger typically leads to one of two things, explosive volitivity or complete isolation from others. 
  2. Conflict in relationships: Children who struggle with anger may struggle to form and maintain relationships, even into adulthood. 
  3. Mental health issues: Chronic anger can also lead to the development of mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression.

2. Substance Abuse

I have seen so much substance abuse following an annulment and divorce that it is difficult to comprehend. I believe the stress and emotional turmoil of the process lead to harmful coping mechanisms, including abusing alcohol and drug. 

Teenagers frequently to drugs or alcohol to cope with the complex emotions and changes they are facing or as a way to numb the pain. 

Children going through an annulment appear to be at increased risk for depression. The annulment process can be stressful and disruptive, leading to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and confusion. 

3. Lower Grades and School Dropout

I have seen children obtaining lower grades and even dropping out of school during and after an annulment. The emotional turmoil, changes in living arrangements, and financial stress that can come with an annulment frequently contribute to difficulties in school. 

4. Depression

The changes that come with annulment, such as changes in living arrangements, relationships with family and friends, and financial struggles, can all contribute to depression. 

5. Identity Issues 

Children going through an annulled marriage may experience identity issues, as the process can cause confusion and uncertainty about their family structure and place in the world. Some common identity issues that teenagers may face include:

  1. Confusion about family dynamics: Children may struggle to understand the annulment process and its impact on their family, leading to confusion and insecurity.
  2. Loss of a sense of stability: Annulment can disrupt a child’s sense of stability, causing feelings of loss and uncertainty about their future.
  3. Relationship difficulties: Children appear to have a more challenging time forming and maintaining relationships, both with friends and romantic partners, following an annulment.
  4. Questioning of their own relationships: Children may question the legitimacy of their own relationships and the stability of their own future relationships due to their parents’ annulment.

6. Risky Sexual Behavior

It appears to me there is an increased risk of risky sexual behavior among teenagers going through an annulment, as the stress and emotional turmoil of the process. 

Teenagers frequently turn to sexual behavior as a way to cope with the complex emotions and changes they face or to numb the pain. 

Changes in family dynamics and relationships with friends may also increase the risk of risky sexual behavior.

7. Feelings of Guilt

Children going through an annulment almost always experience feelings of guilt, as they frequently believe that it is their fault or that they could have done something to prevent it. 

These feelings of guilt can be exacerbated by the changes in family dynamics and the emotional turmoil that can come with an annulment.

The long-term implications of guilt related to parents’ annulment can significantly impact a child’s emotional and mental well-being in various ways. Some common long-term implications include the following:

  1. Low self-esteem: Feelings of guilt can lead to low self-esteem and a negative self-image.
  2. Difficulty in forming relationships: Children who experience guilt related to their parents’ annulment may have trouble developing and maintaining relationships with friends and romantic partners.
  3. Emotional challenges: Guilt can contribute to feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress and can negatively impact a child’s overall emotional well-being.
  4. Difficulty trusting others: Children who experience guilt related to their parents’ annulment may have trouble trusting others and may struggle with feelings of abandonment.

8. Feelings of Abandonment 

Children of an annulment frequently feel a sense of abandonment. This can happen because annulment invalidates the legal recognition of a marriage and can create confusion for the children about their family structure and the legitimacy of their relationship with their parents. 

Additionally, annulment often involves separating the parents, which can cause feelings of loss and insecurity for the children. Children with parents going through an annulment frequently tell me they no longer feel protected.

9. Loss of Faith and Anger Toward God

It’s not uncommon for children to question their faith or feel disillusioned with religion after their parents go through an annulment.

The people I counseled frequently express that God has failed them. They prayed for God to save the marriage, and God did not answer the prayer. 

I have seen this turn into a lifetime struggle with God for many children of divorced or annulled parents. 

10. Loss of Faith in Marriage

Frequently children lose faith in the institution of marriage after experiencing the annulment of their parent’s marriage. Children may feel that the commitment of marriage is not meaningful or that two people can’t stay together for a lifetime.

Minimizing the Negative Impact of Annulment on Children 

Despite the challenges associated with annulment, there are steps that parents can take to minimize its negative impact on their children. Some of the most effective strategies include:

1. Prioritize The Well-being of The Children

It’s important for parents to prioritize their children’s well-being and take steps to minimize the stress and trauma associated with the annulment process.

2. Spend Time With Your Children and Pursue Their Hearts

 Spending time with your kids is critical. You can tell a kid you love them, but they really want your time and attention. Make sure you take the time to pursue your kids, spending time with them and making sure they know they are the most important thing in your life. Engaging in activities that children enjoy, such as playing games, going on outings, or simply spending time together at home, can be a great way to strengthen the bond between parent and child.

3. Encourage Open Communication

Encouraging open and honest communication between parents and children can help children understand the situation and feel heard and validated.

4. Don’t Fight in Front of Your Kids

Parents should strive to minimize conflict during annulment and avoid involving children in adult disagreements. Their parents’ behavior greatly impacts children, and exposure to constant fighting can lead to emotional trauma and long-term psychological effects.

5. Maintain a Consistent Routine

As much as possible, maintain a consistent routine and structure to provide a sense of stability and security for children during a time of change.

6. Seek Help

Parents and children can benefit from seeking help from a pastor, rabbi, therapist, or counselor and trusted friends and family members. This is a critical thing to do for any family going through a divorce or annulment. 

7. Reassure Children of Your Love

Reassuring your kids of your love and commitment to their well-being can help mitigate the impact of the annulment on their emotional and psychological health.

What is The Legal Status of a Child Born During a Marriage That is later Annuled? Are the Illegitimate Children? 

From a legal standpoint, an annulment does not affect the legitimacy or birthright of children born during the marriage. Children born during a marriage that is later annulled are considered to be legitimate, regardless of the annulment. 

This means the children have the same rights and privileges as children born to married parents, including the right to inherit from both parents, the right to receive support from both parents, and the right to be considered dependents for tax and other purposes.


An annulment can be a confusing and challenging experience for children, but there are steps that parents can take to minimize its negative impact. 

By being honest, supportive, and seeking help when needed, parents can help their children navigate this complex and challenging process. 

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Tim McDuffey is a practicing attorney in the State of Missouri. Tim is a licensed member of the Missouri Bar and Missouri Bar Association.

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